For Profit

1 to 499 Employees


1 to 499 Employees

Medical - Legal

Statistical Analysis

Business Planning & Insurance

Refine your plan by zoning in on your target market, product or service, competitive analysis, pricing models, and operational plan.

Financial Forecasting & Modeling

Know your critical numbers and measure your potential success with key industry benchmarks and hidden costs in your COGS / COS.

Technology Adoption & Implementation

Save your valuable time for what you do best. Let us deal with the software and making it work for you.

Growth Consulting

Grow your business or nonprofit ministry from the Dream Seed to the Making It stage with scripture-based business planning, organizational development, technology and automation, web design, change management, quality management and continuous improvement, lean operations, project management, and training development.

Research Labs

Our Impact Study or Distress and Anguish StudyTM proves the value of your services, programs, and interventions or the effects of traumatic events on your legal clients. We test and analyze the statistical significance (real effects) of changes in up to 90 emotional, cognitive, and behavioral determinants using scientifically validated questionnaires.


Beacon Pinnacle Press helps you reach a global audience to share your professional wisdom and expertise from years of trial and error, personal discovery as a leader, and real-world experience via eBooks or print books of any length via access to our 70+ online eBook distribution partners and 39,000+ print book partners worldwide.

Professional services

Reliable support

P.E.A.K.E.TM Standards

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